Complete a survey on music practice for your chance to win a £50 voucher!
Complete a survey on music practice for your chance to win a £50 voucher!
Posted on March 22, 2023
5 things you can do to practise more effectively (Part 2)
5 things you can do to practise more effectively (Part 2)
Posted on October 4, 2021
New article: What makes practice perfect? How tertiary piano students self-regulate play and non-play strategies for performance success
New article: What makes practice perfect? How tertiary piano students self-regulate play and non-play strategies for performance success
Posted on May 8, 2021
Posts for musicians
Research-based but practical and (hopefully) useful tips for musicians. Topics I have covered so far include effective practice, performance anxiety, wellbeing, and teaching.
Posts for researchers
Information and tips based mostly on my experiences as a researcher. Interested in studying music psychology? Thinking of doing a PhD? Want to know about the publishing process? This is the place for you!
Hello there!
I’m Akiho, a pianist and a music psychology researcher.
Through this website, I hope to provide useful information and resources for musicians that are based on the latest research but are easy-to-digest. I also have stuff for people who are studying music psychology or are interested in doing so!